Function matters to all body parts. Function allows us to complete and achieve many activities. Functioning legs allow us to run. Functioning hands allow us to write. The same applies to the function of the tongue and lips. Their function…
Up Next: Moving into the Village
I’m moving! It’s finalized and I picked up the keys today! In the coming months I’ll be working to ready this new office space located in the Village business and shopping district of Grosse Pointe. I’m above the children’s clothing…
Speech Therapy: It Takes Time, Patience, Practice & Priority
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive as a speech-language pathologist is: how long will it take? When will my child be able to _____(fill in the blank)____? This question seems easy enough. However, it’s rather complicated to…
Nice to Meet You!
Let me take a moment to introduce myself. I am a mom, a speech-language pathologist, a former journalist, a wife, a daughter, a sister and an avid reader to name a few of the roles/titles associated with me. I’m a…